
Risultati per "police"


  • Frasi famose - parte 15 linea costiera della mia ignoranza. Plan to be spontaneous tomorrow. Pohl's Law: Nothing is so good that somebody, somewhere will not hate it. Police reveal that a woman arrested...

    3072 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 14 catch mice without a hunting license. In Coeur d'Alene (Idaho), if a police officer approaches a vehicle...on Monday. In Illinois there is a law stating that you must contact the police before entering the city in a...

    3072 giorni fa

  • Trovati altri 2 elementi in Discussioni






    Riprese di Marco Petruzzelli Roma: l'inseguimento di una Posche Cayenne rubata intercettata dalla volante della Polizia. I ladri sono stati costretti ad abbandonare il veicolo che è stato restituito al proprietario. La Squadra volante (nota anche come Reparto volanti) è una sezi...

    ...eomaker, marco, petruzzelli, polizia, stato, ladri, rubano, automobile, incidente, fuga, inseguimento, auto, rubata, volante, cops, police, situation, critical, policechase, pursuit, chase, lapd, f...

    4324 giorni fa

  • Whitney Houston - Tribute - Rest In Peace - 9th August 1963 - 11th February 2012 [HD]

    ***I am not earning any revenue from this video - the adverts were added by YouTube as I do not own the licence to the music*** Whitney Elizabeth Houston - Rest In Peace - 9th August 1963 - 11th February 2012. American singer and actress Whitney Houston has died in Los Angeles at the age of 48....

    ...chy, monkeys, contemporary r&b, passed, away, breaking, Euro, los, angeles, saving, all, my, for, mariah, bobby, brown, bobby brown, mariah carey, police, beverly, hills, hotel, los a...

    4518 giorni fa

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