
Risultati per "learn"


  • Frasi famose - parte 16

    ...oon believe what we desire! (Romanian proverb) We teach what we need to learn. ~ Gloria Steinem We use Lin...You must do the thing you think you cannot do. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt (You Learn by Living) You must know for...

    3072 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 15

    ...or conjecturing about life can we learn to know it, but by living it....from force. ~ David Borenstein One learns people through the heart, no...dy know, but if you listen you may learn something. ~ Amish School Say...e Wright The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away...

    3072 giorni fa

  • Trovati altri 10 elementi in Discussioni



  • Imparo Arabo 1 - Assalamu Alaikum!

    Questa e' la prima lezione di Arabo nel canale dedicato a voi italiani iscrivetevi per vedere i nuovi video di lingua e letteratura Araba!

    HashTag: learn, arabic, with, maha, imparo, arabo, araboconmaha, palestine, paletina, medio, oriente, oriental, israel, gerusalemme, ramallah, jesus, nazareth, belly, dance, danza, ventre, trucco, occhi, arabe, dancer, arabic language, fusion, dancing

    4398 giorni fa
