
Risultati per "kid"


  • Curiosità sull'Heavy Metal

    ...raggiungere il prestigio del suddetto album...ecco perchè la loro fu una breve ascesa ma una lunga discesa. Sebastian bach(canatante degli skid row,band tipo i guns) compro...

    2661 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 14

    ...your family. ~ Mother Teresa Keyboard not found -- Press F1 to continue Kids in the front seat cause accidents, accidents in the back seat cause kids. Kindness is more than deeds...

    3072 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 12 is to die When driving, beware the grease mud, for therein lurks the skid demon Rev. Bleech (ABSK) When...l rhyme and end a memory. I never thought you'd let it get so far, boy. Skid Row You're innocent when you...

    3072 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 11 da Adamo i cretini sono stati in maggioranza. (C. Delavigne) Sin ti yo no soy nadie Enrique Bunbury Since I was born they couldn't hold me down Skid Row Since I was lost in the v...

    3072 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 7

    ...the sadmen roaming free David Bowie I'd stare a lifetime into your eyes Skid Row I'll be your mirror, refl...of Mercy, stardate 3198.9 I'm all alone, me and my daydreams and I Ugly Kid Joe I'm as cool as the other...

    3072 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 4

    ...r (AUG) Comprate terreni, non ne fabbricano più. Mark Twain (1835-1910), scrittore americano. Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around...

    3072 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 3

    ...rnet for me on this diskette? (An university student) Can you look at yourself when you think of what you left behind? Skid Row Can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding (They Might Be Giants) Ca...

    3072 giorni fa

  • Truffe e frodi online: phishing, spam, scam - 2015 - parte seconda brother or sister so I can not risk my life here to avoid an end to my family lineage. As a woman since my husband is dead, all I have is my two kids. They deserve a decent life...

    3108 giorni fa

  • Nicole Kidman: 'Non fate come me con il botulino'

    Negli ultimi anni il viso di Nicole Kidman ha subito dei cambiamenti che in molti hanno definito inquietanti. In effetti, che fosse ricorsa al botox si vedeva lontano un chilometr...

    4495 giorni fa